PreparationTech is a non-profit foundation focused on transforming the way technology education is delivered to primary, middle and high school students, specifically those in groups under-represented in the tech industry: girls, racial and ethnic minority students and students from low-income families.
Tech education throughout K-12 education is the best way to ignite the curiosity and creativity of kids and teens. By reaching them early and consistently, we can help nurture the next generation of tech inventors and innovators.
We develop pedagogy, curriculum, lessons and teaching resources and conduct research into best-practices related to tech education delivery.
Primary and Middle School: We partner with NewTechKids, a tech education academy based in Amsterdam, to teach, test and improve new computer science and digital literacy curriculum and teaching methodologies.
High School: We partner with schools and companies to provide high school students with unique and engaging learning experiences related to technology. These include computer science classes, company visits, internships and grand challenges in the form of hackathons and ideathons which also showcase a diverse and inclusive group of role models in the tech industry.
We are dedicated to the process of engaging and re-engaging kids and teens with dynamic tech learning experiences while emphasizing the relevance of tech knowledge and skills as they age through the school system.