Join PreparationTech session 'AI Futures (for high school students)'

March 3, 2021

Attention parents and teachers of high school students (ages 13 - 18)!

PreparationTech will host an interactive session for high school students as part of theFoundation's MozFest 2021 online festival from March 8-19, 2021.

We'll be hosting the session on Thursday, March 11th from 19:15 - 20:30 p.m. CET (1:15 - 2:30 EST) which helps high school students and their teachers understand what AI is: a 10-minute crash course, three short talks by AI experts, and the chance to talk to these experts in breakout rooms.

Throughout the session, participants will be surveyed about their views on ethics and technology and speakers will be asked to respond.

Speakers include:

  • David Hanson: inventor of human-like robots who will discuss the robots he builds and the ethics of bringing these robots to life
  • Soraya Hausl: a data scientist currently heading the development an online platform which provides personalized haircare advice using AI-driven rankings and recommendations
  • Jen Selby: a machine learning engineer specializing in smart farming robots which use AI to farm crops while killing weeds in efficient ways

MozFest 2021 is open to everyone. Anyone can register for MozFest 2021 and attend for free or pay what they can.


Schedule with all sessions: